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Main » 2015 » February » 19 » Blessing Galore....How much do you praise Him
8:35 AM
Blessing Galore....How much do you praise Him

Good day all! Well I hope this truly finds everyone blessed and happy on this beautiful day. I can only continually say how truly great God is. For we had some unspoken prayer request come about and of course when something like that occurs we always call out our prayer warriors around. Thankfully part of those prayers have been answered. As for the rest we are still awaiting but standing in full and complete faith that it will come about. As everything has been happening, I feel we have been so blessed and the blessings galore only keeps coming as I know that only God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can work together. As I think of the trilogy I think of a saying my nephew had been given; now mind you my nephew is getting ready to go into the United States Navy and I am so proud, but this was when he was about five to eight years old. The youth minister he was under at the time gave him this….three in one; one in three the one in the middle died for me. Now that my fellow readers is a true blessing of which the Father has given us. I continue to thing though how many blessings we do continue to receive daily….my question to you is this….How much do you praise Him for those blessings?

             Each day we tend to receive many blessings, but how many of you all just stop to say thank you. I can’t count the blessings at this point of which God has done for me and my family. Yes, some of those things I have asked for have yet to come to pass, BUT here is something for you….no matter if those blessings have yet to come to pass, whether they have come to pass, or God has decided that is quite the route He wanted you to go, we shall still continue to praise and give thanks to God. I remember one time that I was really struggling and down. I had just come out of the relationship with the one who had beat me; I couldn’t handle having people come in behind me and bear hug and he had snuck in behind at the church as we were preparing for youth and did a bear hug. All I remember is I truly came out fighting and freaking out. He didn’t know what he had done wrong and I can remembering talking to this young man who was a friend of mine. He looked at me with his loving and caring green eyes after I explained it, picked up his Bible and turned to the book of Psalms. Gently smiling he told me that no matter what…..good or bad….that we are to praise God for everything. I sat in the youth area (which was in kitchen area of the church at the time) and read deeply Psalms ninety-five. I have always loved the book of Psalms anyway and especially one twenty one. God knew though that I was needing this particular scripture to remind that with blessings galore….come good or bad….that we are to praise him. The scripture said:

           1- Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the

 rock of our salvation

             2- Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him

                   with music and song.                


After reading that I truly understand that my friend was showing me what God wanted him to show me. It was to help me remember that no matter what, that when the bad or the good takes place, we are to sing joy to Him and praise Him. The situation should not matter for whatever occurs it is done for the glory of God. For example….if a job is lost as I did mine with the pre-school due to health, it is as the saying goes, and where one door closes other doors God will open. I admit that the doors I am awaiting to have opened maybe isn’t opening as fast as I want it, yet I know to it is in God’s timing for these blessings to arrive. I therefore say ask you this….How many blessings has God bestowed upon you? Have they truly been blessings galore? If the answer is yes, how many times have you thanked Him? How much have you praised Him for these blessings that He has showered down upon you? If you have done it ….if you have praised Him then I say to you, just keep praising His name. On the other hand though, if you have not praised and thanked Him for the many blessings He has been, is, and will bestow up on you, then please remember, no matter what…..Praise Him…..Give Thanks to Him and the blessings will only continue to be brought upon you and yours. I know I am.

Lord Willing and until tomorrow-

God bless you all-

Love –


Psalms 121 <>< (and 95)






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