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Main » 2014 » March » 17 » Can you reach my friend? Ministering to others through words
2:57 PM
Can you reach my friend? Ministering to others through words

Good day all. I hope this finds you all doing well and blessed. Please forgive me as I seem to have a bit of a heavy heart today. My heart is hurting for someone that even though we truly don't know one another, I can't help but hurt for him. As I have been feeling this way it brought me to the thought of an old song I love and today’s blog topic. Even though I may not truly know this person, I feel that God has allowed me to know Him from all I know of and have truly learned about him. The thought for today therefore is this……even though we may not know people personally is it possible to think of them as a friend? And how can we minister to and uplift them?

Friends are people that we think of knowing forever in a day or most of our lives; people we have grown up with or went to school with. I ask this question to you all though….does it truly have to be people we have known forever or could it be someone that we haven’t even met yet….someone for example that is famous? We know of them and about them but truly never have had contact with that person. I feel though sometimes God places people like that in our path to help or be a friend to especially if they are going through a lot and feel people see them for what they are not who they are. No matter who they are, no matter if we have ever came in contact with them, we need to remember the ones out there who people tend to see them for what they are. The fact is they need to be ministered to and uplifted just as much as the next person. God has placed us all here to do that. Whether we are giving these encouraging words via social media or through others or even eventually face to face. We need to try and give as much uplift to people we know but also to those we don’t. The book of Colossians happens during the three year ministry of Paul. He has written the letter to refute false teachers by asserting the supremacy of Christ and examines what it means for everyday living. We are shown how to form attitudes and carry out actions which honor the Lord. This includes that of ministering to others. In the third chapter, we are reminded:

                                 16- Let the word of Christ dwell in

                                   you richly as you teach and admonish

                                   one another with all wisdom and,

                                   as you sing psalms, hymns, and

                                   spiritual songs with gratitude in

                                   your hearts. 

We therefore are shown that we need to minister to one another with hearts of praise to God and gratitude….in other words…..lift each other up no matter who the person is. If you have someone in your social media per say that is having a hard time….no matter who they are…..lift them up. Help them by giving them the encouraging words needed. So my question was do you have to truly know someone face to face to be friends with them? No…I don’t feel that people have to truly know one another to be friends. For if you are both children of God or have had a Christian up bringing then it will make being friends at heart that much easier. The answer to can we minister to them even though we truly aren’t well acquainted? The answer once again is yes. For it tells us to minister and be uplifting to all those in whom we have contact with. So, I say to you…Be a friend to all….even those you truly don’t know….say someone famous….and give them the uplift that is needed to maybe help them make it through the day. Treat them not as someone of fame or fortune, but treat them for who God made them as. Minister to them as you would one of your closest friends. For when we minister to each other and take care of one another, we never know when we may be entertaining angels.

Remember if you are interested in having me speak at your church, school, group, or organization or are interested in a copy of the book, you can find all info on the front of this web page.

God Bless and Keep you

In Christ-


Psalms 121 and 23 <><





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