So in preparation for today's blog, I have been truly been doing some fighting thus the blog actually developed from the fight I have been having. Fear....its a word we all know and many of us know it more so than others. It is a nasty four letter word that Satan likes to use upon us and tries to get us to fall to what God actually wants us to do. Today, I have been fighting that nasty four letter word as I prepare to go to the doctor in Kansas City tomorrow. The last two years of my life will be wrapped up in a brief moment tomorrow. For the past two years I have fought with a hip and knee injury that I felt should have been done then but God knew I needed to learn the many things I have learned. Over the past two years I have learned patients and timing; I have learned that if God wants you in a particular position He will put you there but if not He won't. He also will pull out the talents that you have- no matter how bad you tend to buck Him on it. Yes I am afraid BUT I still hear God telling me to "Fear Not". I can't help but keeping those two little words in my mind and matter how discouraged I get. In the book of Deuteronomy, I keep the following scripture close to me so that I will not fear : Deuteronomy 31: 6- Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
In other words.... no matter what the situation, as long as God is in control, no matter the situation, we should no be afraid. We need to remember that when God goes with you through all things, He will neither leave you nor will He forsake you. He will take all the burdens we carry and lay them upon his shoulders so we don't have to worry or be afraid of what is going on. So today, I have decided that even though I go to the doctor tomorrow; even though I am scared and afraid of what is to come, I know God is handling it thus I say to each of you when we are afraid and scared, "FEAR NOT!!!" In closing today I am not sure if there will be a blog tomorrow. We will be on the road to KC to the doctor but I may get one in late tomorrow evening. Will let you all know what is found. Remember if you are interested in a copy of the book or if you are interested in having me talk to your church,school,group, or organization all the info is on the front of this web page. God Bless and Keep you all- Marla