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Main » 2015 » February » 17 » One Day at a all that you can be
12:56 PM
One Day at a all that you can be

Good day all! I hope this finds everyone keeping warm as it is a cold one out. Sounds like more winter weather is heading our way here in Kansas, but at least we only have what we have….nothing like the East Coast…God bless them. Well hey at least God gave another beautiful day to wake up to and that is a true blessing. As I woke up this morning I had something very strong on my heart to write about; like I said I just go with what He shows me to write about. As I have scanned Facebook and listened to friends and family my heart truly breaks at what I hear. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand as sometimes I feel that way to, but all I hear is nothing but negativity. I hear things like: “I don’t know why God leaves me here?” or “What is my purpose on this earth?” OK….I get it…people are unhappy in their lives and just want to quit. The fact of the matter is though, we are here until God is ready for us and until that particular day we need to try to be positive and do what God has instructed. We need to live One day at a Time and be all that we can be.

        As I was growing up my Great-Grandmother was a very strong lady in her thoughts and faith. One day we asked her what it was that helped her to continue on in this old world. She would smile so lovingly at us and simply say, I live each day “One day at a time”. As I was really too young to truly understand what she was getting at, I would just look at her, say ok, hug her, and go on. As I continued to grow up I always noticed how content Grandma was with doing what she did. Anytime the Great-Grandkids or Grandkids would go to her house, she always had chocolate chip cookies (homemade mind you) and milk for us to eat. She was a woman who no matter what came her way, she would handle it with great strength. Her faith in God was shown in her daily and she was a woman that rarely would be depressed (or at least we didn’t see it). She always told us to be all we could be and no matter how bad things truly looked always rely on God. When Grandma passed away a week after her birthday the song One day at time was played. I look around today and see family or friends saying how bad it is and the fact of well, I am just giving up and quitting or why am I here or why don’t God just take me now. Well my friends I am here to tell you this….God has a plan for each of us. I am learning daily that He did not put us down here to just quit and give up on His plan but to live it out each day…..One day at a time….and be all the we can be while we are here. The scripture tells us plainly in James Chapter four that: 

             14- Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.   

                  What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a    

                   little while and then vanishes.


So folks as you can truly see we need to carpe deim….cease the moment. The pity train has left and we need to do what God wants us to. For we need to live each day doing what He wants us to do; we need to go forth and do as He has instructed living each day one day at a time – being all we can be in helping others to learn the true gospel and meaning of who God is. So let me ask you this…..are you going to set around and feel sorry for yourself…..asking the old questions of why am I here OR are you going to set forth the effort to live each day one day at a time and do all you can for the Father…..allowing Him to use you to be all that you can be?

Lord willing and Until tomorrow

God Bless-



Psalms 121 <>< 

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