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4:04 PM
Testifying to Love : Love versus Being in love

           Hello once again all!! Finally I have gotten the ox out of the ditch for the most part. Still a lot happening however there has been a huge dent placed in things. We had the craft show and it was a big success. Sold some things including a book, was able to hand out cards and get my name out for speaking engagements, and had just an overall wonderful day of fun and fellowship. It is now time to move forward in getting back to blogging, working on the second book, booking appearances as well as speaking engagements, working on outlines for the speaking engagements, and more. As I have had time away from blogging however I have had a topic cross my mind to blog about.  The topic is this…..testifying to love; is there a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. As you read upon this blog, I want you to think about this. Is there a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone? If you believe there is then how do well do you or do you even tend to testify about it?

 Love….a four letter word that comes easy to some but for others, it is very difficult for them to grasp, comprehend, or even show. I admit that for me it has been somewhat difficult but there is something about the word that many don’t tend to separate. People tell each other they "love” the other person. The confusion that many tend to come across however is separating the definition/term itself. Love is a very deceiving word if a person is unaware of how to truly use it. It can lead to many different things from hurt to depression to heartache. So how can or do we differentiate the term love and how it is separated when saying you love someone compared to being "in love” with someone ? It’s simple as long as it is separated in meaning. Let’s look at a little closer and then you will also understand the testifying part of it.

      The way to understand this particular term is simple Psychology but it’s also simple when you look at in Biblical formation. When someone says that they "love” someone such as their neighbor, it is totally different than "falling” in love with them. When you tell a person you love them, you are just following what God has told us in the book of Leviticus.  The book of Leviticus helps to remind all of us how important each and every part of lives are to God and that we are love and serve Him in holiness. We can truly see this in chapter nineteen of Leviticus. We are told:

                        18- "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against                                                                     one of your people, but love your neighbor as


We therefore can see is that you are showing love and compassion toward friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. They however are someone you may not be willing to truly lay down your life for because the love in this relationship is not as strong as the next part of this…being "In love” with someone.

  As you have seen, when we love someone it is what I like to call a "simple” love. A love that is there and you would do all most anything to help the person and show how much you truly care. The type of love shown in loving someone is not really considered unconditional because this type of love just means that you care for them. An unconditional setting of love however is experienced when two people are "in love” with each other. Being in love is totally different for being in love means that you would truly be willing to testify about that love with the individual. When you are in love with a person the scripture from John fourteen comes into true play. In the book of John as you may recall, is John writing his version of the birth, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ. He shows that because of Christ dying on the cross that we all have a chance at a new life. In the book of John chapter fourteen we learn what an unconditional love truly is. For in verse twelve and thirteen we are reminded by Christ that:

                           12-"My command is this: Love each other

                                    as I have loved you.”   

                           13- "Greater love has no one than this, that

                                    he lay down his life for his friends.”

So as you can see when reading this particular scripture, it is plainly seen that this fits two people who are "in love” to light. The unconditional love is not only seen in that they real and true love is there, but that when you love someone as much as that, you are going to be willing to support them in any and all things that they do. You are not going to try to make them change their minds nor are you going to try and over shadow them. Instead you are going to do anything and everything you can to help them and instead of walking behind them or in front of them, you will be willing to walk beside them. You won’t want them to surrender anything in their life that they have worked so hard for or love. You will love them unconditionally, you will help them as they help you….working as a team, and if it truly came down to it….you would literally lay down your life for that person. Hence you see where this is going; you would be willing to "testify to their love.” Let me ask you by starting with your love for God. Do you love God or are you "IN LOVE” with God; in other words, would you be willing to go shout about His love from the roof top and would you be willing to lay down your life for Him? Now, let me ask this…..Your boyfriend/girlfriend; husband/wife …..Do you just "love” them in you love them as a friend OR are you "in love” with them? Do you love them unconditionally no matter what; do they accept you for what you love and do or are they trying to change you because they want something different and something more? Are you willing to lay down your life for this person if it meant having to do that? Are you willing to testify to the love they give you from the roof top ? If you can truly answer yes then that is great, BUT if you are questioning things after reading this blog, then think and pray about that relationship. For I will tell you this….If you can’t be comfortable with how things are OR if the other person is trying to make you change because they want things their way, please don’t continue on. For I can tell you personally that you aren't "in love” with them. For anyone who tries to change a person is only looking for false security for their own standings and you will be miserable. I will say however that is one thing with God….He will never expect you to change who you are for He accepts you for you. Hence that is why I personally want to continue to testify to His love for no matter what you look like before or even now, He will always continue to love us each individually for who we are.

Remember, if you are interested in a copy of the book or would like me to speak at your church, school, group, or organization, you can find all the info on the front of this website. Also be looking for dates of appearances on the front of the website soon.

God Bless and Keep you all and let’s testify to God’s grace and mercy!

In Christ-


Psalms 121  and 23 <><








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