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Main » 2015 » February » 21 » The weak and weary heart....God hears our cries
0:10 AM
The weak and weary heart....God hears our cries

Good day all! I hope everyone is having a blessed day once more and are blessed to once again be here to do God’s work. I want to begin by wishing my momma a very happy birthday! I hope she truly has a blessed day. Speaking of my momma, I want to talk about parents and the truly tough job they have. You know for those of us who can’t have kids we truly don’t know how tough a job it can be. Thinking about my own parents and other people I know who parents are brought me to the topic today- the weak and weary heart….does God still hear the cries of our heart?

            Today’s society is a tough one to live in; whether you are a child, a tween, a teen, an adult, parents or not…. it is still a very tough place to live. It is even more so when you try to live the Christian life yet God never promised us that the walk would be easy. For many of us, we just want to throw in the towel and give up. We are weak and weary with things going on in our lives; dodging each and every bullet that Satan throws within the way and trying to make it through from day to day.  The one thing I truly hear is people hollering, “God are you even hearing me?” We want to continue to follow God but for many people they give it up. The question that many have is the fact of should we continue this walk…Is God truly hearing the cry of my heart even though I am wearing out? The answer to that is yes; yes, continue following, learning, leading, and listening. Yes, it is a tough walk but God is still there and listening according to the book of Psalms chapter sixty-one. God is with us always and we are shown how to call and cry out to God when we are tired and weak.  We see in Psalms David is crying out to God as we need to when our heart is weary:

        2- “From the ends of the earth I call to you,

                I call as my heart grows

            lead me to the rock higher than I.

As you can tell, David was tired; he was weak and weary yet he knew the only way he could make it through what he was going through, was to call out and cry out to God. He wanted to serve no other God but being tired, weak, and weary, he wanted to make sure that God still heard his cry. Like David, we wonder sometimes whether or not He is hearing us; we wondering if our prayers that we pray out even reach Him. I am here to fully tell you that yes they do; no matter what is going on and no matter what cinder blocks Satan is trying to throw in our way, we need to continually pray our prayers up. I know this because here recently I am becoming very tired, very weak, and very weary, but I know I have to hold to God and His strength, grace, and mercy to make it where He wants me. So I ask this of you….are you becoming tired, weak, and weary; are you wondering if God is hearing your prayers? I say to you this…Fear not for God is with us….ALWAYS!

Lord willing and until tomorrow-

God Bless you all-

Love –

Marla     Psalms 121 <><




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