Good day all and Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the time that you are spending with either your loved ones or your true love. I know that this is a day that many, myself included, sometimes tend to struggle with. It is especially difficult if you are single or have just been through a bad relationship. As I was going along this morning wishing that my “one true love” would show while I changed laundry, folded it, put it away, and was pulling the “self” pity train stunt, God woke me up and made me realize something – the most greatest and true testament happened many years ago when Christ died on the cross. As it truly hit me I continued to think about it and came to realize what “true love” is and should be testified about. Therefore I ask you this question to think upon as I continue this blog only hoping and praying that by the end of it….you know the true answer (and just so you all know….I think on what is being written as well because for me, this is not me writing but from what God leads me to write)….are we truly testifying about the GREATEST Valentine love ever given? Are we doing as He commanded and have we showed this to one another?
Roses, candy, gifts, dinners out, and a romantic night with the one you love…..this is a normal and typical Valentine’s Day in America today. Let me ask you this though….how much do you truly know behind the history of Valentine’s Day? I decided to do some checking into the back ground of Valentine’s Day and came up with the fact that it is the celebration of one or more early Christian saints name Valentinus and the fact that they were martyrs in the days before Christ. Now how unique that would happen and then once Christ came and died (as a martyr for OUR sins) when it comes to Valentine’s Day, many don’t stop to think about Him on this day. When God sent His one and only son to die for us, now that would be true love, don’t you think? As I was doing the typical scroll through Facebook this morning after having my “pity train” I noticed an anagram for Valentine’s Day:
For God So LoVe the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish
But have Everlasting Life
John 3:16
It was after that I had went to do laundry and God began opening up the thought of Christ who was the true testament of love. He died for our sins and as I was reading through the Chapter of John fifteen it was so amazing how this blog continued to come together because it was in this chapter that Christ discusses what He want His disciples to do. He tells them that His Father loved Him and in the same way He loved them and to stay and remain within that love. He explains that if they keep as He has commanded just as His father had commanded Him, they will continue to remain in His love and keep the joy. He then commands them one of the greatest commandments ever given which was to love….read it again….love one another as He had love them. He then goes and to me each time I read this, I tear up because you think about this…..HE DID IT FOR US!! He goes on to command them the following:
13- “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s
All I can truly say is WOW to that. Think about that verse and then think of what Christ did for each and every one of us. That is truly worth testifying about is it not? The question is though how many of us truly do it? What Christ did for us is a true testament of love and just as they celebrated the martyrs before Christ should we not do the same? You say well we do….at Christmas, during Maun day Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. That is all good and well but what about Valentine’s Day? What about the day of which true love is really celebrated? Do you celebrate the fact that Christ LOVED each of us enough to die for things….and some let say are kind of dumb (trust me I am as guilty as any of my readers)……wrong we have done? Or do you get caught up within the commercialism of the holiday and love and romance that is within it and whether or not you have a true love? Myself, my true love came to this earth and died for my sins. How many of your all’s mates can you say would truly do that for you? To me that is true love and definitely worth testifying about.
Lord willing and until tomorrow-
God Bless and Happy Valentine’s Day-
Psalms 121 <><