Good afternoon all! Well, I hope you all are having a wonderful Groundhog Day. According to reports Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow so we are headed into six more weeks of winter. With that said all I can say is yeah. This morning as I was reading the chapter from the Bible for today it got me to truly thinking on a topic… Of all things this was brought to my attention yet the type of food I thought of was not the type we eat. It’s that of our spiritual food. Speaking in the lines of food we eat when we become hungry we know it. Our stomach’s growl, our sugar drops, and we truly become very weak. On the parallel to that though our spiritual feeding is the same. When we don’t get the spiritual feeding by reading and praying we become the same way in our spiritual bodies as we do our physical bodies. The twist here though is the fact that when we have our spiritual feeding we need to believe that it is working in our lives. When it comes to us being physically hungry and we actually eat we feel the strength from the food that is taken into our system. Many ask though on the spiritual level how to feed the hunger that is there. Well, if we read our Bible daily and pray (as the bible says that we are to stay in constant prayer ….never to cease), then you begin to feel the same strength of the spiritual feeding that we feel in the physical feeding of food. As I stated before however when taking in the spiritual feeding one must truly and fully believe that the spiritual feeding of which you take in is truly feeding you. In John five, Jesus tells the disciples this when they ask Him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
29- “The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent.”
He reminds us also later that He is the bread of life and that if we go to Him, we will not hunger. I can truly say the past few years since I had my injury up to now, that had I not relied on that spiritual feeding and believed it would be ok, I would not be here. I told you when I began the blog back up why I had not been doing it, but just because I weakened some only goes to prove that I had given Satan the inch of which he then tried to take it a mile. I had started to become hungry spiritually and when I recently lost my job to illness, it was then God showed me that I was hungry. I was not physically hungry because God was making sure that need was taken care of, but He showed me spiritually I had been starving. I had not read my Bible, I was not blogging, and the belief and faith that was so strong at one point had begun and was quickly slipping away. The hunger that I was experiencing was becoming starvation. When I realized that I knew I needed to start spiritually eating again for when you are physically AND spiritually fed, the stronger you can fight Satan off. So let me just say this in closing, if you are physically being fed but are still feeling tired and weak; if you are at the end of your rope………Wake up- its feeding time…..spiritually feeding that is. Make sure that all is being fed because just as you can become anorexic food wise, if you don’t read the Bible and pray, then you spiritually become anorexic and Satan takes that weakness from not being fed and runs with it. Now go eat….physically and spiritually so that you can keep your strength not just in physical formation BUT spiritual formation as well because how can you fight if you are weak?
Lord willing and until tomorrow
God Bless and keep you all-