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Main » 2013 » October » 31 » Changing of Seasons-how we compare
12:06 PM
Changing of Seasons-how we compare
As I look outside of my window and knowing that today is Halloween, God brings to my mind and heart the reminder that He is the Great Artist and that He is the one who changes the seasons- not just outside but in each and everyone of us. Like that of changing season even we humans have a change in seasons. Don't believe me let me show you as I am a prime example of change. A couple of years ago I held a job at the local Pizza Hut. I was injured as I slid through oil and that begin the change of my season. I hurt my back, hip, and knee and was limited to what I could do. I would then be told I was fine and could go back to work full time. I returned but knew I needed something with better benefits so my season at Pizza Hut was over and my season at Sam's Club began. The thing was though I didn't realize that my Sam's Club season would be cut short as the problems from Pizza Hut would return putting me down. At the time, I was discouraged because I love the job at Sam's and was unsure of why. I now come to realize that all these were season's of my life and I have now started another season of my life....promoting my book, writing a second one, and whatever it is God wants me to do in this season. Like the seasons of Spring,Summer,Fall,and Winter we all have our own season's and changes. In the book of Daniel we are given the following:
                          Daniel 2 :
                    "Praise be to the name of God
                      for ever and ever; 
                      wisdom and power are his
                         He changes times and seasons
As long as we continue to change with the seasons that God wants us to change with we will reap from doing as God wills. In the book of Galatians we are reminded:
                       Galatians 6:
                       Let us not become weary
                      in doing good, for the proper
                      time we will reap a harvest if 
                       we do not give up.
I know that many times when the season's change it is difficult to make the changes as I have had to do. The thing is though that if we don't give up; if we hold on and hold to God to make it through the trying times that in the end we will reap the harvest that God has blessed us with. I look at the trees and am reminded that the change for the trees is that God has to change the color and then let the leave die off in winter so that come Spring the new life in the trees can re-bloom. For us each season that happens dies when that time ends so that we can begin a new on something else God wants us to do.  
So my question to you is this : When God changes the season in your life, are you going to give up on doing HIS will in your life or are you going to allow that season to pass to move on to bigger, brighter, and better things ? I think I choose the latter part. For once we have completed all God wants- as long as we don't give up- we will reap the harvest. 
Remember that if you are interested in the book the link to it is on the front page of this website and if you would like for me to speak to your church, group,organization, or school please contact me at the e-mail or phone numbers on the front page of this website. 
May God bless you and keep you-
Views: 414 | Added by: marlalu | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Missy  
Yes. For everything there is a time and a season!

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