Main » 2013 » October » 31
As I look outside of my window and knowing that today is Halloween, God brings to my mind and heart the reminder that He is the Great Artist and that He is the one who changes the seasons- not just outside but in each and everyone of us. Like that of changing season even we humans have a change in seasons. Don't believe me let me show you as I am a prime example of change. A couple of years ago I held a job at the local Pizza Hut. I was injured as I slid through oil and that begin the change of my season. I hurt my back, hip, and knee and was limited to what I could do. I would then be told I was fine and could go back to work full time. I returned but knew I needed something with better benefits so my season at Pizza Hut was over and my season at Sam's Club began. The thing was though I didn't realize that my Sam's Club season would be cut
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