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Main » 2013 » October » 26 » Soaring on the wings of eagles I am with you always
12:52 PM
Soaring on the wings of eagles I am with you always
 Many times in our lives we all become very tired and very weak because of the issues we have to face in every day life; issues in which we have a tendency to ask God the questions of "why". Issues that tend to sometimes question our faith and even our belief in God Almighty. Issues that include things such as the loss of a child to illnesses such as cancer to the loss of a job to even attempted date rape with domestic abuse. So how is it that someone could make it through life without going over the deep end ? The saying each person to his or her own is true. How people tend to deal with daily life issues is each individuals own decision but when one feels weak and weary there is always one we can turn to in these times of trials and troubles; valleys and plains....turn to God. In the book of Isaiah we are reminded that God is an everlasting God.  Isaiah 40:28-31 states the following: 
                  Isaiah 40:28-31:
              28 -
                   Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the         
                    everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will 
                     not grow tired or weary,and his understanding no one can    
                    He gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the                       weak.
                    Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble 
                     and fall; 
                     but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
                     They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not                            grow weary,they will walk and not be faint

I know personally everything I have been through I know God has been there. Here recently the trials keep coming....slipping in oil and injuring my back,hip,and leg; loosing my job because it should or at least I thought it should have been fixed two years ago; possible surgery yet I know God is still here; He is still with me. He is the everlasting God thus when I become faint, weak, weary, name it I know that God is here. 
            We all tend to give up or want to give up when times become long and hard in this life but keep in mind we have someone bigger than any of the problems in this life. For He can,will, and does step in when needed. Keep in mind that it is not Him who causes our trials of this life. He may step aside and it is then the enemy who begins the problems. With however a reliance on God the test is just merely that....a test. Who are you going to let win ? Satan or God. I prefer God and because of that I know that I can past the test. Granted, there are some I have wondered but I continue to base my trust and faith to the creator...God Almighty. Many ask, "Well how do you know God is there?" on such situations and the answer to that comes from Matthew 28:20 when Christ told the disciples, "And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."
                   Finally I ask you this.....are you going to be weak,weary,and tired allowing the enemy to take control OR are you going to press on with God as your co-pilot; Soaring out on wings like eagles because you know God is going to be with you always ? I think I will soar onward for I know God is with me. 
May God bless and keep you and remember if you want any info on the book refer to the main page for info and to contact me to speak to your group or organization please contact via phone numbers or e-mail on the front page. 
May God bless and Keep you all-

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