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Main » 2013 » October » 26 » The faith of a child
8:29 PM
The faith of a child
 Faith.....a word that we as adults tend to put to the back of our minds as we grow from childhood into adulthood. The daily activity of our lives as we grow tends to over shadow how or what we believe. For example a child that believes in Santa Clause--- trusting the unseen. They know they are to be good all year and then at Christmas --on Christmas morning they will receive their gifts. The faith of which a child has on Christmas is like that of which we as adults have in or are suppose to have in Christ.....trusting the unseen. In John 20 :24-31 Thomas had shown his "adult" attitude for when he had been told that Christ had shown up, Thomas told the others that until he saw actual proof of Christ he would not believe it. It was not until Christ proved Himself that Thomas would develop that child-like faith. It took proof for Thomas to have that faith but why ? Why is it  that we have to have proof. Why do we need actual and physical evidence to have the faith of a child ? As an adult I have come to learn that is ok to have faith like a not just ok........its perfectly fine. Its fine to be the age of which I am and believe that "Someday my prince will come" and that someday I will have my Cinderella wedding; Its ok to believe that someday you can meet someone famous; ITS OK TO BELIEVE!!!! The faith that we have needs to be not that of this world....bleak and non-believing BUT that of a child.I suggest that each of us look deep down and revert from the adult faith to that of a child.
Remember that Christ tells us to come to him not as adults but with the faith of child. 
Take to heart what I have said and find the inner child. 
God Bless and keep you all
Remember if you need a speaker or are interested in a copy of my book use the info on the main page. 
God Bless -
Views: 372 | Added by: marlalu | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 Missy  
YES! Very well written! I fully agree!

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