Hey all.....Just a note that today I won't be blogging as I am hurting and because of having to go to the doctor tomorrow and yesterday plus going to Wal-Mart for meds today and all, I am wore out. Will be going in for surgical procedure tomorrow so I more than likely will not have a blog up tomorrow. If I get one done tonight, I will post it up in the morning before I leave BUT am really trying to rest up as the doctor told me yesterday that I was not getting enough sleep and he was concerned about the leg getting cold in it thus he wants me to rest it up and keep it warm. Anyway, if I don't blog for a couple of days you all know why. Please, all I ask is that you pray and hopefully within a few days I can get another blog in.
Remember, if you need me to speak at your church, school, group, or organization or you want a copy of the book....please look at the main page of this website.
God Bless and keep you-
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