Good day all. I hope this finding everyone doing well. I am doing OK but still having some issues. As I started my day however, I began to feel myself becoming overwhelmed with some sorrow and fullness. As I began to see and feel all what was happening, God placed this blog upon my heart. I ask you to think about this question as you read. When you are have a day that seems or is overwhelming, what is it that you do? 1) Do you have a melt down and let Satan put forth the confusion that he does OR 2) Do you stop, pray, and go to God’s garden?
Each day we get up there are many who dread to see the day start because of all that takes place throughout the day. We do not see the good things (or should I say we very seldom see it) taking place. The bad "karma” or problems tend to happen more thus this is what most people tend to take forth. We tak
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