Good day all....Hope this finds
everyone doing well. Today is another beautiful day God has once again given to
us. I had been thinking and praying a lot about today's blog and God
continually placed upon my heart to cover this one particular topic. I want to
begin by asking you if there is a part of your past that tends to haunt you or
are there memories that you sometimes re-live daily? I believe that there are
many of us who do but some more than others thus with this blog, I want you to
stop and think….am I living in the past or am I aiming for the goals God has
set for me?
past is something that many tend to look at and say "What could I have done
differently?” There are however many that tend to linger in the past in which does
not allow them to move forward. So why do we need to release that past….why should
we move on and not linger? Well it’s as such…God doesn’t want us to linger in
our past but instead move on forward to what He wants us to do. There have been
many (and I am included in this) of saying, "Well, so and so said or did this”
or they revert back to things of the past such as exes or things that remind
them of "happier” days. We however should have happier days not just in the
past nor in the future but for all time. The book of Philippians covers this
exact topic. We find Paul writing to the Philippians as he is first Roman
imprisonment in which he thanks them for the love and help in which they had offered.
He alerts them of being prideful and self-seeking attitudes. He explains in
chapter three of Philippians this:
13- Brothers and sisters, I do not
consider myself yet to
have taken
hold of it. But one thing I do:
Forgetting what is behind me
straining toward what is
14- I press on toward the goal
win the prize for which
God has
called me heavenward in
Paul is telling them basically not to worry
about the past nor the future but just to live from day to day. In other words,
we are not to focus on the past or try to live in the past. Our future is only
for God to know as He is the one who handles all that takes place. Granted, He
may show us dreams or visions of it BUT we move forward, letting Him lead. We
know the past is the past; we don’t worry about tomorrow but what we can do is
live day to day; second by second. We are never promised the next second, the
next hour, the next day BUT we can live them all for God and do what He says.
So I ask you, are you continually living in your past? Are you trying to take
control of your own future OR are you allowing God to take control and use you
as the vessel He needs to use you as? Allowing His light to shine through you
for others? I would rather let God take control and use me for the vessel for Him…allowing
His light to shine through and enjoying the benefits of what is given and
reaching the goal that has been set forth.
that if you are interested in having me speak to your church, school, group, or
organization OR you would like to retain a copy of the book, the full
information can be retained from the front of this web page.
God Bless and Keep you all-
In Christ-
Psalms 121 and 23 <><