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Main » 2014 » January » 21 » Promises……… truth or a lie?
10:19 AM
Promises……… truth or a lie?

                               Promises……… truth or a lie?


          Good day all. I hope everyone is having a blessed day and all is going well for each of you. It has been a busy few days including today as I have a doctor’s appointment with one doctor and then I have another surgery scheduled for Thursday. So as you all can see a lot is taking place and going on but, I know God will take care of all that is happening within me and in my family because it is God’s personal promise. Speaking of which, is our topic for the blog today. I want you to think as you read to a promise that has or had been made to you or did you make a promise but didn’t fulfill it? Was that promise fulfilled or did someone break that promise? If they broke the promise….how did you feel? What were the thoughts that you had?  Did you feel you could trust that individual?  If you broke the promise did you think about it being a lie? Also I want you to think about this…..What if God had not kept the promises of which He had made? Where would some of us be today?

Promises….a word that is used but many of us get concerned about when hearing it. Someone says something and then you respond. They then come back with "I Promise.” I don’t know how many of you react but for me when someone says they promise, I become a little hesitant about the whole situation. I have always been one that when someone tells me they promise something, I double check the next day or say something to the nature of "Are you sure….are you positive?” A promise is a very sound thing for many rely on when they are made. Promises are always made throughout life….even when a couple is getting married they promise to love, cherish, and honor the rest of their lives. The problem with that is though that many don’t uphold the promises of which are made. To me when that occurs, I feel as that is a lie because something has been promised and then the promise has been broken. I personally have had this happen as I am sure that many of you have. The hurt of a broken promise is one that is not easily forgotten and it truly hurts.  Had God made the promises He made and then broke them imagine where many of us would be right now. The second book of Peter in chapter one however tells it very well about the promises God has made to each and every one of us. It says:

                3- His divine power has given us everything

                   we need for life and godliness through our

                   knowledge of him who called us by his own

                  glory and goodness.

                  4- Through these he has given us his very great

               and precious promises, so that through them you

               may participate in the divine nature and escape

              the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.


The promises God gave has given us all the hope and joy to make it through what this world is now and He has never once broken those promises. I know that if I am ask to do something or say something, I am very careful with the words "I promise”. When one makes a promise we need to forth go into the other person’s mind or as the old saying goes, "put ourselves into their shoes” and see how they would feel if someone was to make that promise to us and then broke it. Instead of telling the individual yes, I will tell it like such…. "I will not make any promises but……” because this way, I will not be making a promise I can’t keep and then not fulfilling it. So, would you rather tell a person you are going to do something and break that promise, causing them maybe never to trust you again OR are you going to tell them you will try to where if you can’t fulfill the promise, that they know you tried but something you couldn’t get out of came up and you couldn't get out of it? When it comes to it, I would much rather try instead of fully making a promise, breaking it, and then end up breaking the ninth commandment. Promises are important to all and God kept all of His promises to us, so why then shouldn't we try to keep our promises to one another.

Remember, if you are interested in having me speak at your church, school, group, or organization or you would like a copy of the book, you can retain the info from the front of this website.

God Bless and Keep you-

In Christ-


Psalms 121 and 23 <><

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